This wholly avoids what I call the AI portfolio problem. What's that?

Simple let's say an AI produces one good book, or painting, or piece of music, all well and good, but it will never produce a portfolio of works that grow and evolve over time. Why is that? Because the AI has no self awareness, in other words it cannot engage in self feedback to improve it's own style over time in a distinctive fashion with a unique artistic vision and direction.

And if you respond it is the writing of the prompt that drives the evolution of AI art, that isn't true either. Say you ask Picasso to paint a woman in a blue chair in 1903, and then you ask him again in 1932, those are going to be two very different painting, because Picasso's vision of the world has changed drastically in that time period. Ask a generative AI to paint a woman and a blue chair twice over a ten year period and you will get similar results, you certainly will not get a change in style that is mappable to a unique creative vision like you get with a human genius.

This is not to say AI art has no utility, I am using AI to generate patterns for paper cuts, but my ambitions are small, more in the commercial art and craft realm. AI "art" perhaps has some use there, but it will never produce a portfolio that evolves over time in a characteristic way showing a unique human vision.

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The point of the article is that virtue signaling over AI is as pointless as any other virtue signal.

People who embrace the technology will thrive, those that avoid it will be replaced

and for the consumers that try to claim they won't read or watch AI content, its to late. They won't know the difference

your AI portfolio problem is an entirely different subject. One that is good news for the .01% of artists that are stellar

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People who embraced Nazism in Germany in 1938 "thrived," is that the only point of life is to thrive and have no moral compass?

Way to hand wave off the portfolio problem it is the spiritual epicenter of why AI simulacras are not "art." It may serve commerce, a mixed blessing at best, if GDP increases but authentic experiences are replaced with a sea of simulcra trash on screens. A society of Wall-e fat people on mobility scooters. I am sure their per capita GPD was high.

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from AI to Nazis

that didn't long

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You are the social Darwinist who thinks "thriving" is the only criterion for living a good life. Considering you have that worldview it would actually seem Nazism is a good fit for you? Perhaps it would even be an upgrade as you might come to see that financial success you worship is nothing but Jewish usury writ large.

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